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Books / Libros
* Complete list of books:
* Selection of books:
VEGA, W.A., ANGEL, J.L., GUTIÉRREZ ROBLEDO, L.M.F., MARKIDES, K.S. (Eds.) (2019): Contextualizing Health and Aging in the Americas. Effects of Space, Time and Place. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 383 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-00584-9.
WALKER, A.C. (ed) (2019): The Future of Ageing in Europe: Making an Asset of Longevity. Sheffield, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
AÑO 2008
AÑO 2020
YUEN, B.; MOCNIK, S.; YU, F.C.H., YAP, W. (2020): Ageing-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Singapore, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Springer.
AÑO 2019
YUEN, B.; MOCNIK, S.; YU, F.C.H., YAP, W. (2020): Ageing-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Singapore, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Springer.
AÑO 2019
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; CHÁVEZ-ALVARADO, Rosalía (2019): Envejecimiento de la población y cambio climático. Vulnerabilidad y resiliencia desde la Gerontología Ambiental / Population aging and climate change. Vulnerability and resilience from Environmental Gerontology. Granada: Comares, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9045-891-4.
SOUSA-GONZÁLEZ, Eduardo; PALACIOS-BARRA, Alfredo; SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; LEDEZMA-ELIZONDO, María Teresa (coord.) (2019): El espacio interior de la ciudad contemporánea. Retos y posibilidades. México: Editorial Colofón-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ISBN: 978-607-8622-94-8.
SOUSA-GONZÁLEZ, Eduardo; PALACIOS-BARRA, Alfredo; SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; LEDEZMA-ELIZONDO, María Teresa (coord.) (2019): El espacio interior de la ciudad contemporánea. Retos y posibilidades. México: Editorial Colofón-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ISBN: 978-607-8622-94-8.
VEGA, W.A., ANGEL, J.L., GUTIÉRREZ ROBLEDO, L.M.F., MARKIDES, K.S. (Eds.) (2019): Contextualizing Health and Aging in the Americas. Effects of Space, Time and Place. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 383 pp. ISBN: 978-3-030-00584-9.
WALKER, A.C. (ed) (2019): The Future of Ageing in Europe: Making an Asset of Longevity. Sheffield, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
AÑO 2018
MASIERO, Stefano; CARRERO, Ugo (Eds.) (2018): Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 545 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-57406-6.
SKINNER, M.; ANDREWS, G.; AND CUTCHIN, M.P. (eds), (2018): Geographical Gerontology: Concepts and Approaches. New York: Routledge.
RODRIGUEZ DE LA VEGA, Lía; TOSCANO, Walter N. (eds). (2018): Handbook of Leisure, Physical Activity, Sports, Recreation and Quality of Life. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 451 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-75529-8.
AÑO 2017
FERNÁNDEZ-BALLESTEROS, R., BENETOS, A.; ROBINE, J.M. (2019): The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
RIVERA-HERRERA, Nora Livia; LEDEZMA-ELIZONDO, María Teresa; SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego (coord.) (2017): Espacios públicos inclusivos. Inclusive public spaces. Monterrey: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 300 pp. ISBN (13): 978-607-27-0815-0.
SATARIANO, William A.; Maus, Marlon (2017): Aging, Place, and Health. A Global Perspective. Burlington, M.A.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 378 pp. ISBN: 978-1284069389.
GILLETT J, ANDREWS G J, SAVELLI M (eds) (2016) Health & Society: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0199015276
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; and RODRÍGUEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Vicente (ed.) (2016): Environmental Gerontology in Europe and Latin America. Policies and perspectives on environment and aging. Series International Perspective on Aging. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 306 pp. ISBN (13): 978-3-319-21418-4. eBooK ISBN: 978-3-319-21419-1.
AÑO 2014
PHILLIPSON, Christopher (2013): Ageing. Cambridge: Wiley, 200 pp.
ROWLES, Graham D. y Miriam BERNARD (editor) (2013): Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 296 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0826108135.
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; y EGEA JIMÉNEZ, Carmen (coord.) (2013): La ciudad, un espacio para la vida. Miradas y enfoques desde la experiencia espacial [The city, a place for life. Perspectives and approaches from the spatial experience]. Granada, España: Universidad de Granada, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-84-338-5557-2. Link. Link.
SUGAR, Judith A.; RIEKSE, Robert; HOLSTEGE, Henry; FABER, Michael (2013): Introduction to Aging. A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach. New York: Springer. 336 pp.
SKINNER, M.; ANDREWS, G.; AND CUTCHIN, M.P. (eds), (2018): Geographical Gerontology: Concepts and Approaches. New York: Routledge.
RODRIGUEZ DE LA VEGA, Lía; TOSCANO, Walter N. (eds). (2018): Handbook of Leisure, Physical Activity, Sports, Recreation and Quality of Life. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 451 pp. ISBN: 978-3-319-75529-8.
FERNÁNDEZ-BALLESTEROS, R., BENETOS, A.; ROBINE, J.M. (2019): The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
RIVERA-HERRERA, Nora Livia; LEDEZMA-ELIZONDO, María Teresa; SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego (coord.) (2017): Espacios públicos inclusivos. Inclusive public spaces. Monterrey: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 300 pp. ISBN (13): 978-607-27-0815-0.
SATARIANO, William A.; Maus, Marlon (2017): Aging, Place, and Health. A Global Perspective. Burlington, M.A.: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 378 pp. ISBN: 978-1284069389.
AÑO 2016
EGEA JIMÉNEZ, Carmen; y SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego (coords.) (2016): Ciudades amigables. Perspectivas, políticas y prácticas / Friendly cities Perspectives, policies and practices. Colección Salam. Granada: Comares, 243 pp. ISBN (13): 978-84-9045-384-1.
AÑO 2015
GOLANT, Stephen M. (2015): Aging in the Right Place. Baltimore: Health Professions Press, 416 pp. ISBN: 978-1938870330.
ROWLES, Graham D., & TEASTER, Pamela B. (2015): Long-Term Care in an Aging Society: Theory and Practice. New York: Springer, 512 pp. ISBN: 978-0826194565.
AÑO 2014
BRANDON, Robert N. (2014): Adaptation and Environment. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 226 pp.
NAKAYAMA, Mikiyasu, and FUJIKURA, Ryo (ed.) (2014): Restoring Communities Resettled After Dam Construction in Asia. Series: Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance. New York: Routledge. 128 pp. ISBN: 978-0415719100.
PASTALAN, Leon A. (2014): Optimizing Housing for the Elderly. Homes Not Houses. New York: Taylor and Francis, 172 pp.
CASTELLUCCI, Laura (ed.) (2014): Government and the Environment. The Role of the Modern State in the Face of Global Challenges. Taylor and Francis, 184 pp.
FITZPATRICK, T. (ed.) (2014): International Handbook on Social Policy and the Environment. Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing; 496 pp.
HASH, Kristina; JURKOWSKI, Elaine & KROUT, John (2014): Aging in Rural Places: Programs, Policies, and Professional Practice. New York: Springer, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0826198099.
NAKAYAMA, Mikiyasu, and FUJIKURA, Ryo (ed.) (2014): Restoring Communities Resettled After Dam Construction in Asia. Series: Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance. New York: Routledge. 128 pp. ISBN: 978-0415719100.
PASTALAN, Leon A. (2014): Optimizing Housing for the Elderly. Homes Not Houses. New York: Taylor and Francis, 172 pp.
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; y DOMÍNGUEZ MORENO, Luis Ángel (coord.) (2014): Identidad y espacio público. Ampliando ámbitos y prácticas [Identity and public space. Expanding domains and practices]. Colección Biblioteca Iberoamericana de Pensamiento. Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, 320 pp. ISBN (13): 978-84-9784-836-7.
AÑO 2013
ARXER, Steven L.; MURPHY, John W. (eds.) (2013) The symbolism of Globalization, development and aging. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 7. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 169 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4508-1.
COOPER MARCUS, Clare; SACHS, Naomi, A. (2013): Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-118-23191-3.
Grassman, Eva Jeppsson; Whitaker, Anna (ed.) (2013): Ageing with disability. A lifecourse perspective. Chicago, USA: Policy Press; 152 pp.
Pastalan, Leon A. (ed.) (2013): Aging in place. The Role of Housing and Social Supports. New York: Taylor and Francis, 130 pp.
Pastalan, Leon A. (2013): Shelter and Service Issues for Aging Populations. International Perspectives. New York: Taylor and Francis, 186 pp.
PALLAGST, Karina, WIECHMANN, Thorsten, and MARTINEZ-FERNANDEZ, Cristina (ed.) (2013): Shrinking Cities. International Perspectives and Policy Implications. New York: Routledge. 318 pp. ISBN: 978-0415804851.
PALLAGST, Karina, WIECHMANN, Thorsten, and MARTINEZ-FERNANDEZ, Cristina (ed.) (2013): Shrinking Cities. International Perspectives and Policy Implications. New York: Routledge. 318 pp. ISBN: 978-0415804851.
PHILLIPSON, Christopher (2013): Ageing. Cambridge: Wiley, 200 pp.
ROWLES, Graham D. y BERNARD, Miriam (ed.) (2013): Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 296 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0826108135.
Rodiek, Susan; Schwarz, Benyamin (ed.) (2013): Outdoor Environments for People with Dementia. New York: Taylor and Francis, 370 pp.
ROWLES, Graham D. y Miriam BERNARD (editor) (2013): Environmental Gerontology: Making Meaningful Places in Old Age. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 296 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0826108135.
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; y EGEA JIMÉNEZ, Carmen (coord.) (2013): La ciudad, un espacio para la vida. Miradas y enfoques desde la experiencia espacial [The city, a place for life. Perspectives and approaches from the spatial experience]. Granada, España: Universidad de Granada, 344 pp. ISBN: 978-84-338-5557-2. Link. Link.
SUGAR, Judith A.; RIEKSE, Robert; HOLSTEGE, Henry; FABER, Michael (2013): Introduction to Aging. A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach. New York: Springer. 336 pp.
AÑO 2012
ANGEL, Jacqueline L.; Torres-Gil, Fernando; MARKIDES, Kyriakos (eds.) (2012): Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-Origin Population. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 353 pp. 978-1-4614-1866-5
COOK, Ian Gillespie; HALSALL, Jamie (2012): Aging in comparative perspective. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 1. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 94 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4614-1978-5.
CHEN, Sheying; POWELL, Jason L. (eds.) (2012): Aging in China. Implications to social policy of a changing economic state. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 2. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 283 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8351-0.
EGEA JIMÉNEZ, Carmen; SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego; y SOLEDAD SOESCÚN, Javier Iván (coords.) (2012): Vulnerabilidad social. Posicionamientos y ángulos desde geografías diferentes. Colección Eirene. Granada, España: Universidad de Granada. ISBN (13): 978-84-338-5392-9.
FOUBERG, Erin H.; MURPHY, Alexander B.; BLIJ, Harm J. De (2012): Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture. New York: Wiley, 560 p. (10 ed.). ISBN: 978-1118018699.
MAHARAJ, Pranitha (ed.) (2012): Aging and health in Africa. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 4. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 244 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8357-2.
MAHARAJ, Pranitha (ed.) (2012): Aging and health in Africa. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 4. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 244 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8357-2.
PHELLAS, Constantinos (ed.) (2012): Aging in European Societies. Healthy aging in Europe. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 6. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 285 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8345-9.
POWER, Andrew (2012): Landscapes of Care. Comparative Perspectives on Family Caregiving. Farnham: Ashgate, 260 pp.
ROWLAND, Donald T. (2012): Population Aging: The transformation of societies. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 3. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 292 pp. ISBN: 978-94-007-4050-1.
SCHEIDT, Rick J., y SCHWARZ, Benyamin (ed.) (2012): Environmental Gerontology. What Now? New York: Routledge. 338 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0-415-62616-3.
Scott Ball, M. (2012): Livable communities for aging populations. Urban design for longevity. New Jersey: Wiley, 272 pp.
WOO, Jean (ed.) (2012): Aging in Hong Kong. A comparative perspective. Series International Perspectivie on Aging, Vol. 5. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 280 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8354-1.
AÑO 2011
DAVIES, Amanda and JAMES, Amity (2011): Geographies of ageing. Social processes and the spatial unevenness of population ageing. Burlington: Ashgate. 223 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4094-1776-7.
GOMEZ REDONDO, Rosa (2011): Salud, demografía y sociedad en la población anciana. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 280 pp. ISBN-13: 978-84-20648705.
LEIBROCK, Cynthia A.; HARRIS, Debra D. (2011): Design Details for Health. Making the Most of Design's Healing Potential. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 320 pp. ISBN: 978-0470926840.
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego (2011): Geografía del envejecimiento y sus implicaciones en Gerontología. Contribuciones geográficas a la Gerontología Ambiental y el envejecimiento de la población. Geography of aging and its implications in Gerontology. Geographical contributions to the Environmental Gerontology and aging. Saarbrücken, Germany: Editorial Académica Española-Lambert Academic Publishing, 264 pp. ISBN (13): 978-3-8443-4692-3. Link. Link. Link.
Mehta, Kalyani K.; Thang, Leng Leng (ed.) (2011): Experiencing Grandparenthood. An Asian Perspective. New York: Springer, 168 pp.
AÑO 2010
Mordini, E.; Hert, P. de (ed.) (2010): Ageing and Invisibility. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 240 pp.
AÑO 2009
SMITH, Allison E. (2009): Ageing in urban neighbourhoods. Place attachment and social exclusion. Bristol: The Policy Press-University of Bristol, 250 pp. ISBN: 978-1-8474-270-5.
Milligan, Christine (2009): There’s No Place like Home: Place and Care in an Ageing Society. Farnham: Ashgate, 188 pp.
Tollefsbol, Trygve O. (2009): Epigenetics of Aging. New York: Springer; 461 pp.
AÑO 2008
HODGE, Gerald (2008): The Geography of Aging. Preparing Communities for the Surge in Seniors. Ontario, Canada, McGill Queens University Press, 320 pp.
DI VÉROLI, Débora; SCHMUNIS, Eduardo (2008): Arquitectura y envejecimiento: hacia un hábitat inclusivo. Buenos Aires: Nobuko, 186 pp. ISBN 978-987-584-171-0.
Bergmann, Sigurd; Hoff, A Thomas; Sager, Tore (ed.) (2008): Spaces of Mobility. The Planning, Ethics, Engineering and Religion of Human Motion. Equinox Publishing Ltd. 297 pp.
Bergmann, Sigurd; Sager, Tore (ed.) (2008) The Ethics of Mobilities: Rethinking Place, Exclusion, Freedom and Environment. Hampshire: Ashgate, 275 pp.
OMS (2008): Health Environment. Managing the Linkages for Sustainable Development- A Toolkit for Decision-makers. Geneva: OMS, 88 pp.
Smith, Mark J; Pangsapa, Piya (2008): Environment and Citizenship. Integrating Justice, Responsibility and Civic Engagement. Zed Books; 304 pp.
AÑO 2007
CHALFON, Garuth (2007): Design for Nature in Dementia Care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 182 pp. ISBN: 978-1-84310-571-8.
RODIEK, Susan; SCHWARZ, Benyamin (2007): Outdoor Environments for People with Dementia. New York: Routledge. 370 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0789038050.
ZENG, Yi; CRIMMINS, Eileen M.; CARRIÈRE, Yves; ROBINE, Jean-Marie (edit.) (2007): Longer Life and Healthy Aging. International Studies in Population. London, Springer, 354 pp.
Dangour, Alan D.; Grundy, Emily M. D.; Fletcher, Astrid E. (ed.) (2007): Ageing Well. Nutrition, Health, and Social Interventions. Northwest, USA: Taylor and Francis; 194 pp.
AÑO 2006
PEACE, Sheila; HOLLAND, Caroline; KELLAHER, Leonie (2006): Environment and Identity in Later Life. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press-McGraw-Hill Education, 191 pp. ISBN: 978-0335-21511-9.
ABELLÁN GARCÍA, A.; ESPARZA CATALÁN, C´. (2006): Las personas mayores con dependencia. Mondial Assistance.
PUGA, D.; ABELLÁN, A.; SANCHO, M.T. (2006) Mayores y familia en la sociedad española - Fundación Encuentro: Informe España.- 74pp.
PUYOL ANTOLÍN, R.; ABELLÁN GARCÍA, A. (Coord.) (2006) - Envejecimiento y dependencia. Una mirada al panorama futuro de la población española. Mondial Assistance, 234pp.
RODIEK, Susan; SCHWARZ, Benyamin (2006): The Role of the Outdoors in Residential Environments for Aging. New York: Routledge. 294 pp. ISBN (13): 978-0789032447.
Nugent, C.; Augusto, J.C. (ed.) (2006): Smart Homes and Beyond. Lancaster: ICOST Press, 396 pp.
Rodiek, Susan; Schwarz, Benyamin (2006): The Role of the Outdoors in Residential Environments for Aging. New York: Taylor and Francis; 294 pp.
Davenport, Gloria (2006): Working with Toxic Older Adults. A Guide to Coping with Difficult Elders. New York: Springer, 311 pp.
AÑO 2005
ANDREWS, GJ. y PHILLIPS, DR. (2005), Ageing and Place: Perspectives, Policy, Practice. Routledge, London.
ROWLES, Graham D. and CHAUDHURY, Habib (2005): Home and identity in late: international perspectives. New York, Springer Publishing Company, 399 pp.
SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Diego (2005): La situación de las personas mayores en la ciudad de Granada. Estudio Geográfico. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2089 pp. (3 volúmenes). ISBN-13: 978-84-338-3570-3. Link.
Marmot, Michael; Wilkinson, Richard (ed.) (2005): Social Determinants of Health. London: Oxford University Press; 376 pp. (2a Edición)
AÑO 2004
Jones, Gareth (2004): People and Environment: A Global Approach. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, 272 pp.
Knight, Joseph A. (ed.) (2004): A crisis call for new preventive medicine. Emerging Effects of lifestyle on morbidity and mortality. New York: Routledge, 773 pp.
Coleman, Peter; O'Hanlon, Ann (2004): Ageing and Development. Taylor & Francis Ltd; 257 pp.
AÑO 2003
OECD (2003): Ageing, housing and urban development. Geneva: OECD Publishing, 244 pp.
AÑO 2002
ROWLES, Graham D; SCHOENBERG, Nancy E. (ed.) (2002): Qualitative gerontology: a contemporary perspective. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 303 pp. ISBN 0-8261-1335-4.
AÑO 2001
PASTALAN, Leon A.; SCHWARZ, Benyamin (2001): Housing Choices and Well-Being of Older Adults. Proper Fit. New York: Taylor and Francis, 152 pp. ISBN (13): 978-1135416850.
OECD (2001): Ageing and Transport. Mobility Needs and Safety Issues. Paris: OECD Publishing, 125 pp. US $ 75.00
Pastalan, Leon A; Schwarz, Benyamin (2001): Housing Choices and Well-Being of Older Adults. Proper Fit. New York: Routledge, 152 pages.
AÑO 1999
Taira, Ellen D.; Carlson, Jodi (1999): Aging in place. Designing, Adapting, and Enhancing the Home Environment. New York: Taylor and Francis, 162 pages.
AÑO 1997
Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter (1997): Old Age and Urban Poverty in the Developing World. The Shanty Towns of Buenos Aires. New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 279 pp.
AÑO 1990
Christenson, Margaret; Taira, Ellen D. (1990): Aging in the Designed Environment. New York: Taylor and Francis, 146 pp.
AÑO 1989
Taira, Ellen D.; Maynard, Marianne; Madigan, M. Jeanne (1989): Assessing the driving ability of the elderly: A preliminary investigation. New York : Haworth Press, 215 pp.
AÑO 1986
Golant, Stephen M. (1986): A Place to Grow Old: the Meaning of Environment in Old Age. New York: Columbia University Press, 421 pp.
AÑO 1984
Altman, Irwin; Lawton, M. Powell; Wohlwill, Joachim F. (ed.) (1984): Elderly People and the Environment: Human Behavior and Environment. New York: Springer, 364 pp. (2º edition 2013)
AÑO 1979
US (1979): The built environment for the elderly and the handicapped: a selective bibliography. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Library Division, 66 pp.
AÑO 1978
ROWLES, Graham D. (1978): Prisoners of space? Exploring the geographical experience of older people. Boulder, C., Westview Press, 216 pp.
WISEMAN, Robert (1978): Spatial Aspects of Aging. Resource papers for college geography. Association of American Geographers, 43 pp.
Publicaciones recientes; Envejecimiento de la población y calidad de vida - Gerontología Ambiental; Envejecimiento demográfico; Population aging and quality of life - Environmental gerontology, aging population; Vieillissement de la population et la qualité de la vie - la gérontologie de l'environnement, vieillissement de la population; Die Alterung der Bevölkerung und der Lebensqualität - Ökologische Gerontologie, alternde Bevölkerung; L'invecchiamento della popolazione e qualità della vita - gerontologia ambientale, invecchiamento della popolazione; O envelhecimento da população ea qualidade de vida - a gerontologia ambiental, envelhecimento da população. 人口老龄化和生活质量 - 环境老年学,人口老龄化。; 人口老齡化和生活質量 - 環境老年學,人口老齡化。